Sunday, April 11, 2010

More Than One

After this past week, I'm learning much more about my parts. This past week was the first time Victoria spoke to someone without me interpreting. Some sort of gate was opened.

My parts can definitely operate simultaneously. Often times they NEED to. One that doesn't have one ability is supplemented by one that does or is a filter for that second one.

Example: Victoria's not emotional so often times another part is "out" with her to make sure she responds appropriately to people's emotion. They sort of switch back and forth, like a dance. Or if that part isn't fully out, that part will be close in the background sort of coaching Victoria on an appropriate response when she just doesn't get what people are saying about emotional stuff.


  1. Hi my name is Dorine and have been Dxed with Dissociative Identity Disorder for over 10 yrs. Throughout all those yrs, I have worked with several Psychologist and never really saw much improvement until My recent psychologist. There has not been any focus on, "others", "parts" or anything that would suggest there are more than just me in my body. With this new type of therapy, I have really seen so much improvement within myself. All the other doctors I have worked with, dealt with the so called "others" which only kept me feeling like all these other parts/people were really there, sharing my body. The only name I hear from my doctor during our sessions is mine, and when I'm in a dissocative state, he calls my name and ONLY my name to get me back. This type of therapy has really set me free. I have not been hospitalized for 2 years and have had no self injury. When I read what other people write about others, parts and use other names for different parts. I wish that they could experience the type of therapy that I am going through. I know that everyone is different and one thing might not work for all but I really wanted to share this with you. I have found that keeping the separateness does not have any benifite except to keep me in turmoil.

  2. Thank you for the comment. I am so very new to this that I'm not sure what is / will work for me. I agree that the separateness could keep a person in turmoil. I think my goal is to find out what these parts do for me (their function) and see if I can unburden them. I'm not exactly sure how it will go but I do not want to stay so separated either.

    I hope you continue in your recovery. I love to hear success stories. There don't seem to be many of them in the circles I'm involved in.

    -Victoria 1st
